School Library

The pride of the school is the excellent Library which is centrally located amidst verdant greenery with a hemispherical dome atop. The Library has a vast collection of over 30,000 books on diverse subjects. For keeping the students well informed about the latest developments world-wise, the library subscribes to about twenty three magazines and four national newspapers. The Library endeavours to provide students with opportunities to learn how to use materials in a variety of formats to access information, so that they can continue with lifelong learning. Quite an unusual feature in a day school, the school library functions from 8.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m on working days. Former students and parents of Anandalaya students are eligible to become members of the Library on the payment of a caution deposit of Rs.500/- and annual charges of Rs.500/-

Working hours during regular school days.


Senior Library
(Monday to Friday)

Junior Library
(Monday to Friday)

Staff Members

2.35 PM – 3.30 PM

2.15 PM – 3.30 PM

Parent Members

2.35 PM – 3.30 PM

2.15 PM – 3.30 PM

Student Members

Respective Library Periods

Respective Library Periods

On Saturdays all members can access Library between 11:00 am to 12:00 noon.

Working hours during vacation


Senior Library
(Monday to Saturday)

Junior Library
(Monday to Saturday)

All Members

08:00 AM to 12:00 noon

08:00 AM to 12:00 noon

The Library shall remain closed on Sundays and other holidays.
Students visiting the library are expected to be dressed in the school uniform and carry their ID Cards.,Almanac and must be dressed appropriate to the school environment.
Parents must escort students visiting junior library during vacation.
Anyone visiting the library is expected to read and follow the Library rules posted on the School Library Notice Board.
Following are the normal entitlements for borrowing:
     Student Members (Class IX to XII)  -  2 books & 1 magazine
     Student Members (Class VI to VIII)-  1 book & 1 magazine
     Staff Members                               -  4 books & 2 magazines
     Parent Members                             -  3 books & 1 magazine
Books shall be issued for a period of 14 days and magazines for 4 days.
A late fee of Rs.3.00 per day will be charged on books / magazines not returned on or before the due date. Members must remember the last date to return the borrowed articles from the Library.
Books / documents that are not returned even after two months beyond  the  due  date  shall  be  treated  as  lost  and  action  shall be initiated to recover the cost of books / documents as per the prevailing rules. No books / documents shall be accepted once the recovery is made.
Lost / damaged document shall be replaced by the borrower with its latest edition else three times of the purchase price shall be charged.
Reference books and current magazines will not be allowed to be taken out of the Library.
No document issued should be brought to the Library, unless it is to be returned /renewed.
Parent Members shall turn off or put their Mobile phones on silent mode before entering the Library.